Dear colleagues!
June 6, 2022 at 15.00 Kyiv time was Ukrainian Neurosurgery Grand Rounds with theme "MANAGEMENT OF MILITARY TRAUMA"
Invited lecturers:
1. High-speed TBI agent. Dr. Summer Hoz (Iraq)
2. Penetrating head injury. Dr. Abdullah Yousef Abd (Yemen)
3. Management of combat trauma, two case reports. Dr. Son (Ukraine)
4. Treatment of combat injuries of peripheral nerves. Dr. Yaroslav Tsymbalyuk (Ukraine)
Dear colleagues,
We would like to inform you that the Ukrainian Association of Neurosurgeons launched a permanent educational program "Ukrainian Neurosurgical Grand Rounds".
The first meeting was Mon, May 16, 2022 at 14.00 Kyiv time.
Our guest lecturer:
Professor William Cowdwell, Head of Neurosurgery Department, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA. The topic of his lecture: "Hearing Preservation in Acoustic Tumors"
Oleksandr Voznyak, head of the Center for Neurosurgery in Hospital "Feofania". The topic of his lecture: "Evolution of Acoustic Schwannoma Management".